- Sustainability A-Z
- Policies
WM has a number of internal and external policy documents and management guidelines on specific topics related to human rights, summarized in the table below. Day-to-day responsibility for embedding human rights in our operations lies with various departments and management practices. If the policy, procedure or commitment does not have a link, it is only available internally.
- Anti-Bribery Policy
- Board Diversity
- Human Rights & Modern Slavery Policy
- Supplier Code of Conduct
- Supplier Diversity Program
- Sustainable Supplier Partnership Playbook
- WM Code of Conduct (French)(Spanish)(India)
- WM Certifications
- WM Environmental Management System - TOC
- WM Environmental Policy
- WM Position on Extended Producer Responsibility
- WM Participation in the Political Process
- WM Plastic Exports Policy
- WM Purchasing Program
- WM Websites Privacy Policy
- Charitable Contribution Policy
- Contingent Labor Policy and Program
- Environmental Reporting and Incident Policy
- Equal Employment Opportunity Policy
- Lone Worker Safety Policy
- Peer Review Program
- Policy Prohibiting Discrimination & Harassment
- Safe Workplace Policy
- Security
- Whistleblower Protection Policy
- Workplace Search and Inspection Policy