Reporting and Materiality

WM is committed to consistent public disclosure of our progress on sustainability topics. Our robust suite of sustainability resources and disclosures, along with our annual Sustainability Report which details progress on our most material issues over the past year, are available on our sustainability website. Our Sustainability Data Center aggregates sustainability-related data collected and reported on annually. The Sustainability A to Z glossary houses detailed information related to many aspects of our sustainability performance, policies and initiatives. Our suite of sustainability disclosures also includes our most recently published Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) indices, our Climate Brief report aligned with the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) framework, and our most recent submission to CDP. In addition, we have consolidated a report of our efforts and actions which are aligned with several of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

To continually improve our disclosures, we review questions posed by Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), customer sustainability surveys and ESG rating agencies. We also respond to customers’ requests for supply chain information through surveys and rating organizations, and have discussions with investors who are interested in evaluating both our carbon footprint and market opportunities for low-carbon products and services. Many institutional investors also inquire about impacts from various forms of regulation and legislation addressing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.


We currently do not seek external assurance for all elements of our annual sustainability report, rather our GHG emissions inventory is third-party reviewed and verified annually. The inventory includes direct (Scope 1 and 2) emissions and indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions. See our complete limited assurance statement.

Materiality Assessment

The content of our Sustainability Report has been compiled and organized based on insights from a materiality assessment conducted by an internal team. This team is charged with ongoing stakeholder engagement, including participation in key business and multi-stakeholder organizations, media relations, disclosure of sustainability information for sales and marketing purposes and completion of sustainability survey requests.

In 2019, we performed a reassessment of issues, risks and opportunities that are material to our sustainability strategy in addressing global climate change. This assessment helped us identify topics that are strategically important to our company and stakeholders while guiding decision making across our value chain.

The assessment was conducted in four stages:

  • Identification — Through a detailed analysis of WM’s value chain and review of GRI’s definitions and guidelines for materiality, we developed the overarching themes of Governance, Community, Environment and Supply Chain. These themes contain a total of 24 material topics.
  • Surveys – We constructed a comprehensive survey of our identified issues, which included follow-up questions and qualitative response options to allow for in-depth understanding of the reasoning behind survey results. Both internal and external stakeholders were surveyed.
  • Interviews – We selected external stakeholders that represent key partners from our supply chain, valued customers with established relationships and municipal partnerships, as well as nonprofit and industry association contributors. Internally, WM interviewed employees who represent key pillars of our business at a senior level.
  • Additional Input – We incorporated a variety of external media scans and reputation-based data sets to expand and complement our understanding of internal and external stakeholder perspectives.

Materiality Matrix


Our materiality assessment confirmed a significant degree of alignment between internal and external stakeholders. We noted the rise of forward-thinking environmental topics, such as climate impact, as having increased importance compared with our previous materiality assessment. Climate Impact was selected by 39% of our external stakeholders during our interview process as being material.

Among internal stakeholders, including WM’s senior leaders, we heard that topics such as Health & Safety and Business Ethics were considered to be necessary prerequisites. Based on this insight, we learned that our leadership is focused on the WM of the future with Health & Safety, Leadership Accountability and other People First topics ingrained into what we do every day.

External stakeholder interviews provided insight into the interconnectivity between our material issues. For example, one stakeholder selected Technology Innovations as material, justifying their choice by saying that, while topics such as Energy Efficiency and Climate Impact were key to their strategy, they felt that technology was the enabler to those goals. Multiple stakeholders shared that they selected a material topic that they believed closely related to others on the list, demonstrating the interconnectivity of sustainability issues.

Key Material Issues


  • Sustainable Procurement (Moderate Impact)
  • Water Use (Moderate Impact)
  • Climate Impact (High Impact)
  • Energy Efficiency (High Impact)
  • Internal Waste Generated (High Impact)
  • Local Environment (High Impact)
  • Recycling Reporting (Very High Impact)


  • Vendor Training (Moderate Impact)
  • Community Investment (High Impact)
  • Customer Relationships (High Impact)
  • Sustainable Development Goals (High Impact)
  • Vendor Screening (High Impact)
  • Community Engagement (Very High Impact)
  • Employee Training (Very High Impact)
  • Health and Safety (Very High Impact)
  • Human Rights and Diversity (Very High Impact)


  • Environmental Penalties (Moderate Impact)
  • Climate Strategy (High Impact)
  • Supply Chain Policy (High Impact)
  • Business Ethics (Very High Impact)
  • Environmental Management System (Very High Impact)
  • Leadership Accountability (Very High Impact)
  • Stakeholder Engagement (Very High Impact)
  • Technology Innovations (Very High Impact)