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WM has reported with reference with the GRI Standards for the period of January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022 using GRI 1: Foundation 2021.
Disclosure Number Disclosure Title Response
The organization and its reporting practices
Disclosure Number: 2-1 Disclosure Title: Organizational details Response: Waste Management, Inc. is headquartered in Houston, Texas.
2022 10-K, pp. 3-8
Disclosure Number: 2-2 Disclosure Title: Entities included in the organization’s sustainability reporting Response: 2022 10-K, p. 3
Disclosure Number: 2-3 Disclosure Title: Reporting period, frequency and contact point Response: Unless otherwise noted, our 2023 Sustainability Report captures events that took place during calendar year 2022 from January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022. We report on an annual cycle. We welcome comments and feedback on our report.
Please contact us at
Disclosure Number: 2-4 Disclosure Title: Restatements of information Response: Any restatements, and reasons for such, are footnoted as part of the data presentation within the body of the report.
Disclosure Number: 2-5 Disclosure Title: External assurance Response: ESG Resource Hub > Reports
Activities and workers
Disclosure Number: 2-6 Disclosure Title: Activities, value chain and other business relationships Response: 2022 10-K, p. 3
Disclosure Number: 2-7 Disclosure Title: Employees Response: 2022 10-K, p. 8
2023 Sustainability Report > Communities are Thriving > Our People
ESG Resource Hub > Data Center > Workforce
Disclosure Number: 2-8 Disclosure Title: Workers who are not employees Response: 2022 10-K, p. 3
ESG Resource Hub > Company > Supply Chain
Data on contractors not publicly reported.
Disclosure Number: 2-9 Disclosure Title: Governance structure and composition Response: 2023 Sustainability Report > Governance > Our Board of Directors
ESG Resource Hub > Data Center > Governance > Board of Directors
ESG Resource Hub > Governance > Corporate Governance
2023 Proxy Statement, pp. 4-5
WM Leadership Team
WM Board of Directors
TCFD Climate Brief
Disclosure Number: 2-10 Disclosure Title: Nomination and selection of the highest governance body Response: ESG Resource Hub > Governance > Corporate Governance
Nominating and Governance Committee Charter
Disclosure Number: 2-11 Disclosure Title: Chair of the highest governance body Response: WM Board of Directors
Disclosure Number: 2-12 Disclosure Title: Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impacts Response: 2023 Sustainability Report > Governance
2023 Proxy Statement, pp. 6-8
WM Leadership Team
ESG Resource Hub > Governance > Corporate Governance
TCFD Climate Brief
Disclosure Number: 2-13 Disclosure Title: Delegation of responsibility for managing impacts Response: 2023 Sustainability Report > CEO Message
2023 Sustainability Report > CSO Message
2023 Proxy Statement, pp. 6-8
WM Leadership Team
WM Sustainability
ESG Resource Hub > Governance > Corporate Governance
TCFD Climate Brief
Disclosure Number: 2-14 Disclosure Title: Role of the highest governance body in sustainability reporting Response: ESG Hub > Governance > Corporate Governance
2022 CDP Response
TCFD Climate Brief
Disclosure Number: 2-15 Disclosure Title: Conflicts of interest Response: ESG Resource Hub > Governance > Corporate Governance
2023 Proxy Statement, p. 13
Disclosure Number: 2-16 Disclosure Title: Communication of critical concerns Response: 2023 Proxy Statement, p. 2
Disclosure Number: 2-17 Disclosure Title: Collective knowledge of the highest governance body Response: 2022 CDP Response
Disclosure Number: 2-18 Disclosure Title: Evaluation of the performance of the highest governance body Response: 2022 CDP Response
TCFD Climate Brief
Disclosure Number: 2-19 Disclosure Title: Remuneration policies Response: 2022 10-K, p. 128
2023 Proxy Statement, pp., 29-45
Disclosure Number: 2-20 Disclosure Title: Process to determine remuneration Response: 2022 10-K, p. 128
2023 Proxy Statement, pp., 29-45
Disclosure Number: 2-21 Disclosure Title: Annual total compensation ratio Response: For 2022, total annual compensation for the Median Employee was $90,521 . The annual compensation of our Chief Executive Officer was $14,820,684, for a ratio of 1:164. Total annual compensation for the Median Employee increased by 12% between 2021 and 22. Total annual compensation for our Chief Executive Officer increased by 13.5 percent between 2021 and 2022, for a ratio of 1:1
2023 Proxy Statement, p. 55
Strategy, policies and practices
Disclosure Number: 2-22 Disclosure Title: Statement on sustainable development strategy Response: 2023 Sustainability Report > CEO Message
2023 Sustainability Report > CSO Message
TCFD Climate Brief
Disclosure Number: 2-23 Disclosure Title: Policy commitments Response: ESG Resource Hub > Governance > Public Policy
Disclosure Number: 2-24 Disclosure Title: Embedding policy commitments Response: ESG Resource Hub > Governance > Public Policy
Participation in the Political Process Policy
Disclosure Number: 2-25 Disclosure Title: Processes to remediate negative impacts Response: 2023 Sustainability Report > Governance > Ethics & Integrity
ESG Resource Hub > Governance > Code of Conduct
ESG Resource Hub > Governance > Compliance & Ethics
WM > Compliance & Ethics > Our Integrity Helpline
Disclosure Number: 2-26 Disclosure Title: Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising concerns Response: 2023 Sustainability Report > Governance > Ethics & Integrity
Code of Conduct, pp. 7-10
ESG Resource Hub > Governance > Compliance & Ethics
WM > Compliance & Ethics > Our Integrity Helpline
Disclosure Number: 2-27 Disclosure Title: Compliance with laws and regulations Response: ESG Resource Hub > Governance > Compliance & Ethics
WM > Compliance and Ethics
We do not report the number of significant instances of non-compliance with laws and regulations due to confidentiality constraints. See also: response to GRI 416-2.
Disclosure Number: 2-28 Disclosure Title: Membership associations Response: Sustainability Hub > Governance > Public Policy
Stakeholder engagement
Disclosure Number: 2-29 Disclosure Title: Approach to stakeholder engagement Response: Sustainability Hub > Governance > Public Policy
ESG Hub > Company > Reporting and Materiality
Disclosure Number: 2-30 Disclosure Title: Collective bargaining agreements Response: Approximately 17.4% of our employees are covered by collective bargaining agreements. The working conditions and terms of employment of employees not covered by collective bargaining agreements are not influenced or determined based on other collective bargaining agreements.
2022 10-K, p. 8
Disclosure Number Disclosure Title Response
Disclosures on material topics
Disclosure Number: 3-1 Disclosure Title: Process to determine material topics Response: ESG Resource Hub > Company > Reporting and Materiality
Disclosure Number: 3-2 Disclosure Title: List of material topics Response: ESG Resource Hub > Company > Reporting and Materiality
Disclosure Number Disclosure Title Response
GRI 201: Economic Performance
Disclosure Number: 3-3 Disclosure Title: Management of the material topic Response: 2023 Sustainability Report > Introduction > 2022 At-A-Glance
2022 10-K, pp. 72-75
TCFD Climate Brief
Disclosure Number: 201-1 Disclosure Title: Direct economic value generated and distributed Response: ESG Resource Hub > ESG Data Center > Economic Impact
2023 Sustainability Report > Introduction > 2022 At-A-Glance
2022 10-K, pp. 72-75
Disclosure Number: 201-2 Disclosure Title: Financial implications and other risks and opportunities due to climate change Response: CDP Climate Change Response
ESG Resource Hub > Environmental > Climate Impact and KPIs
2023 Sustainability Report > Energy is Renewable > Climate Impact
TCFD Climate Brief
Disclosure Number: 201-3 Disclosure Title: Defined benefit plan obligations and other retirement plans Response: ESG Resource Hub > Social > Employee Benefits
2022 Form 10-K, pp. 100-102
GRI 202: Market Presence
Disclosure Number: 3-3 Disclosure Title: Management of the material topic Response: 2022 10-K, pp. 3-4, 8, 18-19
ESG Resource Hub > Social > Employee Benefits > Learning and Development
ESG Resource Hub > Social Impact
2023 Sustainability Report > Communities are Thriving
ESG Resource Hub > ESG Data Center > Economic Impact
Disclosure Number: 202-1 Disclosure Title: Ratios of standard entry level wage by gender compared to local minimum wage Response: Our Market Pricing methodology determines our compensation levels. For all active full-time employees in the countries where we operate, we compare our base salaries to living wage data published by numerous publications, e.g., and In addition, we continuously monitor the external market to ensure that our pay structures and programs are market competitive and provide the framework for our managers to make informed compensation decisions.
Disclosure Number: 202-2 Disclosure Title: Proportion of senior management hired from the local community Response: 100% of senior management (Vice Presidents of each Market Area) were hired locally when they started their careers at WM. We define “hired locally” as within commuting distance of a facility.
GRI 203: Indirect Economic Impacts
Disclosure Number: 3-3 Disclosure Title: Management of the material topic Response: ESG Resource Hub > Social > Employee Benefits > Learning and Development
ESG Resource Hub > Social Impact
Disclosure Number: 203-1 Disclosure Title: Significant indirect economic impacts Response: ESG Resource Hub > ESG Data Center > Community
Disclosure Number: 203-2 Disclosure Title: Significant indirect economic impacts Response: ESG Resource Hub > ESG Data Center > Community
GRI 205: Anti-corruption
Disclosure Number: 3-3 Disclosure Title: Management of the material topic Response: ESG Resource Hub > Governance > Compliance & Ethics
2023 Sustainability Report > Communities are Thriving > Social Impact
ESG Resource Hub > Social Impact
ESG Resource Hub > ESG Data Center > Community
Disclosure Number: 205-2 Disclosure Title: Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and procedures Response: ESG Resource Hub > Governance > Code of Conduct
100% of employees and business partners receive Code of Conduct training which covers the company’s anti-corruption practices.
Disclosure Number: 205-3 Disclosure Title: Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken Response: ESG Resource Hub > ESG Data Center > Governance
In 2022 we received 3,575 reports of potential misconduct and, as per page 9 of WM's Employee Code of Conduct, no matter how an issue or concern is reported, it will be reviewed and appropriately investigated based on the information provided. 49% of reports were made through our confidential Integrity Helpline, and 51% of reports were made through other reporting avenues, such as our People Organization (which includes our independent Investigation Team), Corporate Security, Internal Audit, Senior Leadership, and Compliance and Ethics. 27% of the total reports were made anonymously. Approximately 77% were employment practices matters (harassment, discrimination, unprofessional behavior, employee relations, etc.); approximately 6% were fraud-related matters (bribery, business practices, fraud, payroll fraud, etc.); approximately 8% were security-related matters (burglary, identity theft, privacy concerns, property damage, workplace violence, etc.); and approximately 9% were other Code of Conduct matters (conflicts of interest, gifts and entertainment, etc.). Discipline for substantiated allegations included counseling, warnings, suspensions and terminations.
GRI 207: Tax
Disclosure Number: 3-3 Disclosure Title: Management of the material topic Response: 2022 Form 10-K, pp. 96-99, 102-105
Disclosure Number: 207-1 Disclosure Title: Approach to tax Response: 2022 Form 10-K, pp. 102-105
Disclosure Number: 207-2 Disclosure Title: Tax governance, control, and risk management Response: 2022 Form 10-K, pp.96-99, 102-105
Disclosure Number: 207-4 Disclosure Title: Country-by-country reporting Response: ESG Resource Hub > ESG Data Center > Economic Impact
Disclosure Number Disclosure Title Response
GRI 302: Energy
Disclosure Number: 3-3 Disclosure Title: Management of the material topic Response: 2023 Sustainability Report > Energy is Renewable
ESG Resource Hub > Environmental > Energy Use
ESG Resource Hub > ESG Data Center > Environment > Energy Consumption
TCFD Climate Brief
Disclosure Number: 302-1 Disclosure Title: Energy consumption within the organization Response: ESG Resource Hub > ESG Data Center > Environment > Energy Consumption
2023 Sustainability Report > Energy is Renewable
Disclosure Number: 302-3 Disclosure Title: Energy intensity Response: ESG Resource Hub > ESG Data Center > Operations > Energy Intensity
Disclosure Number: 302-4 Disclosure Title: Reduction of energy consumption Response: 2023 Sustainability Report > Energy is Renewable
ESG Resource Hub > Environmental > Energy Use
ESG Resource Hub > ESG Data Center > Environment > Energy Consumption
CDP Climate Change Response
Disclosure Number: 302-5 Disclosure Title: Reductions in energy requirements of products and services Response: 2023 Sustainability Report > Energy is Renewable
ESG Resource Hub > Environmental > Energy Use
ESG Resource Hub > ESG Data Center > Environment > Energy Consumption
GRI 303: Water and Effluents
Disclosure Number: 3-3 Disclosure Title: Management of the material topic Response: ESG Resource Hub > Environmental > Water Stewardship
ESG Resource Hub > Environmental > Landfill Stewardship > Stormwater Filtration
Disclosure Number: 303-1 Disclosure Title: Interactions with water as a shared resource Response: ESG Resource Hub > Environmental > Water Stewardship
CDP Water Security Response
Disclosure Number: 303-3 Disclosure Title: Water withdrawal Response: ESG Resource Hub > Environmental > Water Stewardship
CDP Water Security Response
Disclosure Number: 303-4 Disclosure Title: Water discharge Response: ESG Resource Hub > Environmental > Water Stewardship
CDP Water Security Response
Disclosure Number: 303-5 Disclosure Title: Water consumption Response: ESG Resource Hub > Environmental > Water Stewardship
CDP Water Security Response
ESG Resource Hub > ESG Data Center > Environment > Water Consumption
GRI 304: Biodiversity
Disclosure Number: 3-3 Disclosure Title: Management of the material topic Response: 2023 Sustainability Report > Communities are Thriving > Social Impact > Environmental Stewardship
ESG Resource Hub > Social > Wildlife Habitat Council Programs
Disclosure Number: 304-1 Disclosure Title: Operational sites owned, leased, managed in, or adjacent to, protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas Response: ESG Resource Hub > Social > Wildlife Habitat Council Programs
Disclosure Number: 304-2 Disclosure Title: Significant impacts of activities, products, and services on biodiversity Response: ESG Resource Hub > Social > Wildlife Habitat Council Programs
Disclosure Number: 304-3 Disclosure Title: Habitats protected or restored Response: ESG Resource Hub > Social > Wildlife Habitat Council Programs
ESG Resource Hub > ESG Data Center > Community > Environmental Conservation
GRI 305: Emissions
Disclosure Number: 3-3 Disclosure Title: Management of the material topic Response: 2023 Sustainability Report > Energy is Renewable > Climate Impact
TCFD Climate Brief
CDP Climate Change Response
Disclosure Number: 305-1 Disclosure Title: Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions Response: 2023 Sustainability Report > Energy is Renewable > Climate Impact > Our GHG Emissions
ESG Resource Hub > ESG Data Center > Environment > Greenhouse Gas Emissions
CDP Climate Change Response
TCFD Climate Brief
Disclosure Number: 305-2 Disclosure Title: Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions Response: 2023 Sustainability Report > Energy is Renewable > Climate Impact > Our GHG Emissions
ESG Resource Hub > ESG Data Center > Environment > Greenhouse Gas Emissions
CDP Climate Change Response
TCFD Climate Brief
Disclosure Number: 305-3 Disclosure Title: Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions Response: 2023 Sustainability Report > Energy is Renewable > Climate Impact > Our GHG Emissions
ESG Resource Hub > ESG Data Center > Environment > Greenhouse Gas Emissions
CDP Climate Change Response
TCFD Climate Brief
Disclosure Number: 305-4 Disclosure Title: GHG emissions intensity Response: 2023 Sustainability Report > Energy is Renewable > Climate Impact > Our GHG Emissions
ESG Resource Hub > ESG Data Center > Environment > Greenhouse Gas Emissions
CDP Climate Change Response
Disclosure Number: 305-5 Disclosure Title: GHG emissions intensity Response: 2023 Sustainability Report > Energy is Renewable > Climate Impact > Our GHG Emissions > Emissions Reductions
ESG Resource Hub > Environmental > Corporate Air Program; Carbon Footprint Calculation Methodology; Climate Impact and KPIs
ESG Resource Hub > ESG Data Center > Environment > Greenhouse Gas Emissions
CDP Climate Change Response
Disclosure Number: 305-6 Disclosure Title: Emissions of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) Response: CDP Climate Change Response
Disclosure Number: 305-7 Disclosure Title: Nitrogen oxides (NOX), sulfur oxides (SOX), and other significant air emissions Response: ESG Resource Hub > SASB > Air Quality > IF-WM-120a.1
GRI 306: Waste
Disclosure Number: 3-3 Disclosure Title: Management of the material topic Response: 2023 Sustainability Report > Material is Repurposed
Disclosure Number: 306-2 Disclosure Title: Management of significant waste-related impacts Response: 2023 Sustainability Report > Material is Repurposed > Circularity
ESG Resource Hub > Sustainability Growth > Organic
ESG Resource Hub > Sustainability Growth > WM Sustainability & Environmental Solutions
Disclosure Number: 306-3 Disclosure Title: Waste generated Response: ESG Resource Hub > ESG Data Center > Environment > Waste Generated
Disclosure Number: 306-4 Disclosure Title: Waste diverted from disposal Response: ESG Resource Hub > ESG Data Center > Environment > Waste Generated
Disclosure Number: 306-5 Disclosure Title: Waste directed to disposal Response: ESG Resource Hub > ESG Data Center > Environment > Waste Generated
GRI 308: Supplier Environmental Assessment
Disclosure Number: 3-3 Disclosure Title: Management of the material topic Response: ESG Resource Hub > Company > Supply Chain
Disclosure Number: 308-1 Disclosure Title: New suppliers that were screened using environmental criteria Response: ESG Resource Hub > Company > Supply Chain
We have established a process to identify key supplier risk factors and determine how to mitigate those factors. We observe and check the progress of the supplier risk profile over a period of time. We methodically examine the supplier risk profile for the purpose of explanation and interpretation. A risk profile is established for the supplier and the overall category. In this way, we continually assess the strengths and weaknesses of our suppliers, and the impact these could have on our business.
Disclosure Number Disclosure Title Response
GRI 401: Employment
Disclosure Number: 3-3 Disclosure Title: Management of the material topic Response: 2023 Sustainability Report > Communities are Thriving > Our People > Recruitment & Retention
Disclosure Number: 401-1 Disclosure Title: New employee hires and employee turnover Response: ESG Resource Hub > ESG Data Center > Workforce > Employees; Hires
Disclosure Number: 401-2 Disclosure Title: Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part-time employees Response: ESG Resource Hub > Social > Employee Benefits
GRI 403: Occupational Health and Safety
Disclosure Number: 3-3 Disclosure Title: Management of the material topic Response: ESG Resource Hub > Social > Safety
2023 Sustainability Report > Communities are Thriving > Our People > Safety
Disclosure Number: 403-1 Disclosure Title: Occupational health and safety management system Response: 2023 Sustainability Report > Communities are Thriving > Our People > Safety
ESG Resource Hub > Social > Safety
Disclosure Number: 403-2 Disclosure Title: Hazard identification, risk assessment, and incident investigation Response: 2023 Sustainability Report > Communities are Thriving > Our People > Safety
ESG Resource Hub > Social > Safety
Disclosure Number: 403-3 Disclosure Title: Occupational health services Response: 2023 Sustainability Report > Communities are Thriving > Our People > Safety
ESG Resource Hub > Social > Safety
Disclosure Number: 403-4 Disclosure Title: Worker participation, consultation, and communication on occupational health and safety Response: 2023 Sustainability Report > Communities are Thriving > Our People > Safety
ESG Resource Hub > Social > Safety
Disclosure Number: 403-5 Disclosure Title: Worker training on occupational health and safety Response: 2023 Sustainability Report > Communities are Thriving > Our People > Safety
ESG Resource Hub > Social > Safety
Disclosure Number: 403-6 Disclosure Title: Promotion of worker health Response: ESG Resource Hub > Social > Employee Benefits > Wellness Programs
Disclosure Number: 403-7 Disclosure Title: Prevention and mitigation of occupational health and safety impacts directly linked by business relationships Response: 2023 Sustainability Report > Communities are Thriving > Our People > Safety
ESG Resource Hub > Social > Safety
Disclosure Number: 403-9 Disclosure Title: Work-related injuries Response: 2023 Sustainability Report > Communities are Thriving > Our People > Safety
ESG Resource Hub > Social > Safety
GRI 404: Training and Education
Disclosure Number: 3-3 Disclosure Title: Management of the material topic Response: 2023 Sustainability Report > Communities are Thriving > Our People > Training and Development
ESG Resource Hub > Social > Training and Development
ESG Resource Hub > Social > Employee Benefits > Transition Assistance
Disclosure Number: 404-1 Disclosure Title: Average hours of training per year per employee Response: ESG Resource Hub > ESG Data Center > Workforce > Training
Disclosure Number: 404-2 Disclosure Title: Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition assistance programs Response: 2023 Sustainability Report > Communities are Thriving > Our People > Training and Development
ESG Resource Hub > Social > Training and Development
ESG Resource Hub > Social > Employee Benefits > Transition Assistance
Disclosure Number: 404-3 Disclosure Title: Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews Response: 100% of WM employees receive a regular performance and career development review. This information can be found in the Employee Handbook.
GRI 405: Diversity and Equal Opportunity
Disclosure Number: 3-3 Disclosure Title: Management of the material topic Response: 2023 Sustainability Report > Communities are Thriving > Our People > Diversity and Inclusion
ESG Resource Hub > Social > Diversity and Inclusion
Disclosure Number: 405-1 Disclosure Title: Diversity of governance bodies and employees Response: ESG Resource Hub > ESG Data Center > Workforce > Diversity
ESG Resource Hub > ESG Data Center > Governance > Board of Directors
Disclosure Number: 405-2 Disclosure Title: Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men Response: ESG Resource Hub > ESG Data Center > Workforce > Diversity
GRI 407: Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
Disclosure Number: 3-3 Disclosure Title: Management of the material topic Response: ESG Resource Hub > Social > Diversity and Inclusion
Disclosure Number: 407-1 Disclosure Title: Operations and suppliers in which the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining may be at risk Response: We have not identified any operations or suppliers in which employee rights to exercise freedom of association and collective bargaining have been violated or are at significant risk.
GRI 413: Local Communities
Disclosure Number: 3-3 Disclosure Title: Management of the material topic Response: 2023 Sustainability Report > Communities are Thriving > Social Impact
ESG Resource Hub > Social > Environmental Justice
Disclosure Number: 413-1 Disclosure Title: Operations with local community engagement, impact assessments, and development programs Response: 2023 Sustainability Report > Communities are Thriving > Social Impact
ESG Resource Hub > Social > Environmental Justice
Disclosure Number: 413-2 Disclosure Title: Operations with significant actual and potential negative impacts on local communities Response: 2023 Sustainability Report > Communities are Thriving > Social Impact
ESG Resource Hub > Social > Environmental Justice
GRI 414: Supplier Social Assessment
Disclosure Number: 3-3 Disclosure Title: Management of the material topic Response: ESG Resource Hub > Company > Supply Chain
Disclosure Number: 414-1 Disclosure Title: New suppliers that were screened using social criteria Response: ESG Resource Hub > Company > Supply Chain

We have established a process to identify key supplier risk factors and determine how to mitigate those factors. We observe and check the progress of the supplier risk profile over a period of time. We methodically examine the supplier risk profile for the purpose of explanation and interpretation. A risk profile is established for the supplier and the overall category. In this way, we continually assess the strengths and weaknesses of our suppliers, and the impact these could have on our business.
GRI 415: Public Policy
Disclosure Number: 3-3 Disclosure Title: Management of the material topic Response: ESG Resource Hub > Governance > Public Policy
Participation in the Political Process Policy
Position Policy: Plastic Exports
Position Policy: Extended Producer Responsibility
Disclosure Number: 415-1 Disclosure Title: Political contributions Response: ESG Resource Hub > ESG Data Center > Governance
GRI 416: Customer Health and Safety
Disclosure Number: 3-3 Disclosure Title: Management of the material topic Response: ESG Resource Hub > Social > Environmental Justice
ESG Resource Hub > Policies > Environmental Policy
Disclosure Number: 416-1 Disclosure Title: Assessment of the health and safety impacts of product and service categories Response: 100% of health and safety impacts from WM services are assessed for improvement.
Disclosure Number: 416-2 Disclosure Title: Incidents of non-compliance concerning the health and safety impacts of products and services Response: For incidents of non-compliance with regulations resulting in a fine or penalty, see ESG Resource Hub > ESG Data Center > Environment > Non-Compliance Associated with Environmental Impacts

Pursuant to the new standards we are following as laid out by SASB, we report on non-compliance with regulations resulting in a fine or penalty. Because “warnings” are an undefined term that can be so broad as a letter inquiring about paperwork due or ambiguities in reporting data, we do not report where we do not have sufficient specificity in the category requested. No voluntary compliance codes are applicable.

See also ESG Resource Hub > SASB > Management of Leachate and Hazardous Waste; Workforce Health and Safety